"I'm not use to working off possibilities I'm secure in the comfort."
I spoke to a gentlemen this morning, after leaving a power breakfast that spoke about wealth and had an amazing space for networking. Then I headed to my corporate job. But I made the time to wake up at 5 am because the information and the connections were invaluable. I operate with my end in mind and move accordingly. Even though I'm not working in my business full time I never take a day off from showing up as the business owner I know I am.
The phone conversation I had with that gentlemen sadden me because not everyone shows up as the fullest version of who they are/can be. Complacency, their friend group, lack of exposure and minimizing their own value, contribution and impact - to exist in the complacency of the life that they have created yet hate because they are secure in the comfort.
That is a sad existence.
It goes beyond working in security and comfort but you have to start living off the possibilities that life has to offer.
Learn to build the abundance you want- mentally, physically and financially by doing the uncomfortable work to attain it.