My first pop up! This has been a vision that I planned very diligently to make happen. I paid for social media ads, I visited the local business with treat baskets and flyers. I created an event on a popular event site that people utilize to find fun things to do in their area. The reservations for Saturday were rolling in hot! Whew! I need to find some help, the line is about to be crazy!! Reservations weren't strong for Sunday, so kinda was on the fence about executing that one. But we will play it by ear. It's the morning of the first day, Saturday. I'm pumped. Felt a little pressed for time to prep everything, cut fruit, prep and cook egg rolls, set up the kitchen to make it feel like my own. But soon as the food was ready, the guests slowly start coming in. They would sit and enjoy their food with their families, we would talk about my business, the desire for it to be in Frisco, the lack of availiability of 100% plant based establishments with zero cross contamination. Ok, I see the need. They weren't rushed, I wasn't in a hurry, it was good conversation. At about 2 pm I realized no one else was coming in. Seven families made reservations, for a total of 33 people. I served three families for a total of 11 people.

So I definitely was ready to pull the plug for the second day of the pop up, the very next morning! There were only two family reservations for the following day anyway. Makes all the sense to me to cancel. Like you want me to drive 40 minutes one way, pack up all this frigerated food and haul it to my house, store it to do this all over again tomorrow with fewer reservations! Man... must be tripping.
"What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence." Samuel JohnsonDiligence;