Why do I let what I see in the middle deter me from what I've already seen (in the vision)?
If someone told you, you would win a gold metal at the Olympics, but you would have to show up to training, be dedicated which naturally means sacrifice socially; time, energy, perhaps a diet. It would take your active participation and effort. In doing these things you would be awarded a gold metal at the world Olympics.
Would you participate or doubt?
And if you unforsakenly got an injury during training and its taken longer than you expected, does the attainment of that Olympic gold still seem real? Or are things only validated by our own constructed timeline, and results of events that unfold between our now and our then?
How do we get to the mindset of making it feel real at the moment it's declared. No wavering, no circumstantial influence, no time discouragement.
Proclaim with belief "I'm going to the Olympics to win a gold metal. Period. "
The journey there, how long it takes, whose coming with me, who all gonna be there; are all a non factor. Our focus should be on the facts and our trust in who made the promise.
You have to have faith in Yah and lose faith in yourself.
"All things work together for the good of those that love Yah, to them who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
All; Pronoun. used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. Noun. the whole of one's energy or interest.